The show, Maypoles to Mistletoe, has been performed every year for over thirty-five years in various regions in U.K. It has featured on BBC Radio 2 and there have been two original cast recordings released. This heart-warming show is a colourful entertaining journey in music, story, dance and song through the traditional calendar customs of England - from Candlemas to Christmas via spring and May Day, Harvest and Hallowe'en. This book of the show sets out everything any school, college or drama group might need to create their own, locally customized version of Maypoles to Mistletoe to stage at any time in the cycle of the year. In addition it is a splendidly varied and entertaining anthology of seasonal anecdote, verse and folklore to inform any reader in an entertaining manner, as well as being an unusual collection of terrifically singable songs. Key points: *Cross-curricular * Information on Folk culture & tradition *Includes audio CD with all the songs from the show Martyn Wyndham-Read and Chris Brown are the originators of the show. Martyn is well known through many recordings and acclaimed performances over forty years as one of the most highly respected singers of folk material. He has an international following in Britain, Europe and America and has a particular association with Australia where his career began in the 1960s. Martyn has a dedicated commitment to the show and each year tries to work alongside the many local performers. Chris was a Headteacher for over twenty years and is known in the world of books for children as Review Editor of The School Librarian, the leading serious reviews journal now celebrating its seventieth year. Suitable for ages 10 - adult.