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Kila Book of Tunes

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Kíla's Leabhar Foinn - The Book of Tunes.
Kila have been a guiding light in new Irish music for the past number of years, inspiring countless thousands to cheer, to smile, to weep or simply to jump up and down. Music that lights a fire in your belly, or washes over you in waves of technicolour splendour. 'It's all in the tunes' says Ronan. And here are the tunes - some simple, some abstract, some devilishly tricky - written out in staff notation and 'ABCs' for you to try out and make your own. Over 100 new tunes, lavishly accompanied by new photographs, with poetic and prosaic contributions from Donal O'Kelly, Steve Cooney, Colm Mac Con Iomaire among others.