Book Only\nOne of a series of 4 books designed to help you play the tin whistle immediately using special whistle tablature. Pick any tin whistle, D is ideal, and choose the book containing tunes that you are most familiar with, Folk, Popular, Irish or Scottish.\n\n \n\nThe lessons in these 4 books are realistically and steadily graded so as not to over-stretch the student. Difficult traditional dances tunes, music particularly suited to the tin whistle, is introduced only on the last few pages to give a taster of things to come.\n\n \n\nExtensive use of illustrations is included in these 4 books in order to make learning less daunting and to focus attention on the information they surround. New information is introduced only slowly so you can concentrate on building repertoire.\n\n \n\nGuitar chords and words are included to encourage you to play with others which will give great enjoyment. This in turn will inspire you to greater effort giving even greater enjoyment and so the upward spiral of your musical journey begins.