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Dear Companion

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Appalachian Traditional Songs and Singers from the Cecil Sharp Collection with detailed essay on Sharp in America. Cecil James Sharp (1859-1924) was England's most prolific folk music and dance collector in what is now widely known as the First Folk Revival. Between the time of Sharp's first serious collecting experience in a Somerset vicarage garden in August 1903, until his death on Midsummer Eve, 1924, he amassed a total of 4,977 tunes in England and North America, many of which were published in various forms in order to promote and revive what was perceived to be a fading part of traditional culture. Sharp's North American collection is regarded as a landmark in folk music fieldwork and the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library (VWML) are making available online access to Cecil Sharp's only surviving personal diaries in which he describes his collecting experiences in the Appalachian Mountains.\n\nCompiled and edited by Mike Yates, Elaine Bradtke and Malcolm Taylor.\n\nPreface by Shirley Collins.

Awake! Awake! / Battle of Shiloh / Black Is the Colour / Boney's Defeat / Broken Token / Come All Ye Southern Soldiers / Come My Little Roving Sailor / Dear Companion / Drummer / Edward / Elfin Knight / Every Night When the Sun Goes In / False Knight upon the Road / False Young Man / Fateful Blow / Foggy Dew / Golden Vanity (Green Willow Tree) / Good Morning My Pretty Little Miss / Good Old Man / Green Grows the Laurel / Ground Hog / Gypsy Laddie / Hicks's Farewell / Hold On / Holly Twig / I'm Sixteen Come Sunday / I Love My Love / I Must and I Will Get Married / I Wish I Was a Child Again / John of Hazelgreen / Johnny Scott / Lamkin / Lily of the West / Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard / Lover's Lament / Mermaid / Miller's Apprentice; or, Oxford Tragedy / Mouldering Vine / My Dearest Dear / Poor Stranger; or, Cuckoo / Rebel Soldier / Rich Old Lady / St James's Hospital / Sally Anne / Scornful Nancy / Sheffield Apprentice / Silver Dagger / There Was an Old and Wealthy Man / True Lover's Farewell / Two Crows / Way Down the Ohio / When Adam Was Created / Wife of Usher's Well.